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Obama Nursing Home Abuse Appeal

As I was looking on Twitter I saw a post that was very concerning to me. The issue is the appeal of an Obama like policy that takes away the family and patients rights who live in nursing homes and are facing neglect and abuse. I started Googling immediately to find out if this was accurate because who would overturn such an important issue? This is troubling to me! So far, I haven't found anything that explains why the Trump administration would do something like this or allow something like this to happen.

Some saddening facts about life in nursing homes 🏡

💁🏻Did you know that there are over 2 million cases of elderly abuse in nursing homes each year?
💁🏻Out of every 10 individuals living in a nursing home will experience some form of elderly abuse

It is sad that the elderly are prey to people who seem to think that it is okay to abuse the helpless or treat them in ways that are less than what they deserve. Many families have no choice but to place their family members into nursing homes  because they are unable to care for their loved ones and want them to have the best treatment. Families of the elderly trust that the home they place their loved one in will take care of their family member which creates TRUST. However, trust is something that must be earned and when it is broken it is hard to repair, if ever! When abuse is discovered or reported by the family; the family can report the information and also due the nursing home for neglecting their loved ones and for the damages that they have caused.

So, if this is appealed what will happen to the loved ones that are in nursing homes? With the overturning of this Obama mandate it seems as if those in nursing homes and their loved ones will become unable to sue for mistreatment, abuse, and harm that occurs in the homes. How do you feel about this? Do you agree with the decision?

My original source that inspired this post comes from CLICK HERE
Nursing Home Abuse Statistics
