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In Real News: Charlottesville and Durham

In the past few days, we have seen violent events unfold that strike terror into the hearts of men and women. In videos online we can see people fleeing from the car as it speeds down the street. People fled in different directions to get away from the violence unfolding. You can see the video of Charlottesville by clicking HERE. In Durham, NC we saw young people gathering together toppling a Confederate statue. 

I read an article from Allen West in which he states what the REAL problem is with the destruction taking place across the country. "This all began because someone decided, as other elected officials have across the country, to cave into partisan political pressures and seek to erase American history. History is not there for us to love or hate, but for us to learn from and seek not to repeat its mistakes." Allen West is right that in order to learn from the mistakes of the past we must learn about them. While the statues show a time where there was oppression these statues show how far America has come from our past. 

Over the weekend and even continuing this week the media outlets are claiming that it is "too little too late" for the Trump administration to call out by name the groups behind the Charlottesville attacks. The President, First Lady, and Ivanka Trump both made a statement about the attacks. 

The White House also made a statement that called out those responsible which you can see in the image below. On CNN this morning I heard statements made that Trump's statements this weekend were too little too late. How is that? The other claim I heard this morning was that people tear them a part for being "FAKE NEWS" but they are journalists. If you are a journalist you report on FACTS, unbiased and without your personal opinion.

Allen West had a great statement about this as well. "If we want to condemn groups such as the neo-Nazi's and others, then we must also condemn groups such as Black Lives Matters (BLM) and Antifa. And we need to stop cherry-picking, as they all should be investigated."

I highly recommend this article which you can find by clicking HERE


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